Work with me on Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise

Work with me on Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise

Working WITH You to Help Get You Where You Want to Be

Are you feeling challenged, perhaps emotionally, nutritionally, and physically? Keeping these three things in check can really improve one’s health (emotional, physical, and spiritual health). Small improvements in each of these areas can make a huge difference.

I will work with you in each of these three areas, and with any challenge you want to talk about. We all need help, and we all need constant reminders of what health means and how we can achieve it. Sometimes we just need a little push.

We talk once a week, with check-ins in between.

We talk things through, and with your input, I design a program.

Sessions are 30 minutes by phone or zoom.

We work in:

1:  Mindset:  we will define your approach to your life and fitness goals

2:  Nutrition:  talking about the reasons behind your eating habits, and creating solutions!

3:  Exercise:  giving you personal plans that work for you. Teaching you the Regan MOVES low-torque method. We can even make one of the weekly times we meet a Personal Training session!

I’ll be available in-between sessions for when you need help.


I’ve been through this. I know what it’s like to have chronic conditions and to struggle. I also know what it’s like to pull through, and GAIN more than I had before:  more energy and more health. I can help, by using my personal experience. I KNOW you can win.

I can walk through this with you.


The goal is to get healthy. Health is wealth. The most precious thing we have is our life. Therefore the most precious thing we have is our health.

Call to set up

720 470 8049, [email protected]

Help Cure Lupus

You are Participating in the Cure!

A portion of the proceeds from Regan MOVES will be donated to the Lupus Research Foundation

For more information, please visit the Lupus Research Foundation: